3DVista URL Parameters Deeplinks

URL parameter is a way to pass information about a click through its URL.

Definition & Usage

URL Parameters have various similar words to it, such as: Deeplinks, Query Parameters, Query Strings, Direct Node Access. They mean more or less the same, correct me if I'm wrong in the comments. URL Parameters pass information through a URL.

Use cases

For example when you're on a hotelpage of booking.com and you share the link with someone else. The url opened on the other person's computer will open the hotelpage.

Another example is with referral links. Most of the times a referral link has something like ?referrer inside the url. So when a Youtuber places a link in the description with ?referrer, the site it's pointing to, can then detect that and use that information to pay out the referral.

More use cases:

  • Prefill a filterpage
  • Search results (Google)
  • Prefill a form
  • Current page item saved in the URL
  • Sending information through webhooks
  • Greeting the user if they filled out their name through a form, to dynamically change text on the following webpage
  • Analytical UTM codes
  • Referral links to pay the referral
  • One page, pagescrolling to section

Basic understanding

An URL Parameter consists of an attribute and a value. They are seperated by an equals sign (=) and joined by an ampersand (&) if there's more than 1. They start with either a questionmark (?) or a hashtag (#).

A questionmark reloads the page if triggered again, while a hashtag searches on the same page. For 3DVista users, usually a hashtag works better. Just know that there's two symbols that can be used.


A query parameter example using the question mark with multiple attributes combined:


Some Attributes have both a long version, such as "show-overlays-name", as well as a short version "son". Then the short version is put below the long version. They have the same functionality.

Some values can be combined using a comma, such as showing tags with "show-components-tags=tag1,tag2,tag3"

Now 3DVista has a set of pre-defined url parameters that do certain things inside your 3DVista tours.

3DVista Attributes

Attributes can be called a Key as well.

Opening Media

Media can be:

  • panorama
  • 360 video
  • photo album
  • floorplan

encoded text of media
Go directly to media that is imported in the 3DVista project.
playlist number
Go directly to media that is listed in the 3DVista Playlist.
encoded text of media
playlist number
Both media-name and media-index as listed above combined.

Hotspots within media

All the attributes below require the related media as well. So ?trigger-overlay-name=hotspot_A won't work. And ?media=1&trigger-overlay-name=hotspot_A will work.

encoded text of hotspot name in media
Trigger the action that is on the hotspot.
defines the action upon which to launch a hotspot's action. By default that's "click". Use this in conjunction with trigger-overlay-name to define which hotspot it refers to.
encoded text of hotspot name in media
Show one hotspot by hotspot name.
Possible to combine multiple with comma seperation.
encoded text of hotspot name in media
Hide one hotspot by hotspot name.
Possible to combine multiple with comma seperation.
encoded text of hotspot tag
Show all hotspots with a hotspot tag.
Possible to combine multiple with comma seperation.
encoded text of hotspot tag
Hide all hotspots with a hotspot tag.
Possible to combine multiple with comma seperation.
Encoded name of the variant
Show different variant of 3D model

Camera views within media

Rotate the camera view within media. A hashtag is recommended to use for fluid movements without reloading of the tour. The camera movement to that view is fast and can't be changed in speed.

encoded text of hotspot name in media
Go to a specific view of a hotspot within a panorama.
Rotate camera angle horizontally a certain number of degrees from start point view.
Rotate camera angle vertically a certain number of degrees from start point view.
number between 1-150
Set the Field Of View in between 1 and 150.

Skin Components

encoded text of skin tag
Show all skin components with a skin tag.
Possible to combine multiple with comma seperation.
encoded text of skin tag
Hide all skin components with a skin tag.
Possible to combine multiple with comma seperation.


Opens the tour directly in VR mode. Doesn't require a value, can be set to true.
Mutes the audio of the tour. Useful to avoid the Mute audio notification in certain situations.
Sets the defined language of a tour if multi language is set. For example en-US. When adding a language in 3DVista, you can see the Language code and Country code.
Skips the loading screen. Doesn't require a value, can be set to true.
encoded text of object
Show 3D model object.
Possible to combine multiple with comma seperation.
encoded text of object
Hide 3D model object.
Possible to combine multiple with comma seperation.
Using only a question mark without any attributes refreshes the tour. This can be very useful using the e-learning module and wanting to restart the tour. Using an action "open url" and only filling in the question mark.

Trigger Query Parameters methods

You can trigger parameters various ways.

1) By sending it directly as a full link to your client.

2) Having one virtual tour that is having various versions on various landingpages on your client's site

3) By embedding the url with parameters inside an iFrame

4) Inside 3DVista itself using Open URL action

Custom Query Parameters

You can also create your own query parameters.

Use external data inside 3DVista

One of the great use cases for this, is that before visitors enter your Virtual Tour, they enter a form with their first name. Once they submit the form, the first name can be send over to the 3DVista tour using ?first-name=Ronald with a GET request to make this happen dynamically. And use this custom query parameter to greet the visitor using a Skin title in the 3DVista skin with some custom javascript.

Send data from 3DVista elsewere

You can also create custom query parameters within the Virtual Tour and send those outside 3DVista. For example having a

E-learning use case

Let's say we're building a Virtual Tour for a client that requires its employees to go through a 3DVista e-learning with 3 modules. Some employees only need to complete 1 module, others 2 and others all 3.

What the client needs to know is: who completed which module?

For keeping this use case simple, we trust the employees to fill in honestly their own details.

We build a form, ask employees for their employee number. We sent the form data with a GET request to the 3DVista tour, so that it shows up as ?employee=12345. With some custom code we can save that in 3DVista as the employee goes through a module.

Inside 3DVista we've created a webframe 1 by 1 px to send data to. Once an employee finishes a module, we trigger a webhook with n8n, make or zapier, such as:


with two custom query parameters. One is the employee number and the other is the module number like:


Then from the automation software we can use these variables in any other type of tool that has an API, such as Baserow, Nocodb or Airtable. And from there we give a list to the client to see who finished what.