Ronald van der Weijden
Creator, 360Creators

Why is the market for free?

Something I get asked a lot is: why Ronald, why do you offer the Marketplace with 360 and 3D content creation for free?

No commission, no monthly fees.

Well, I like to present solutions. Not copied solutions for the sake of copying and making money, but really solutions made because nobody else did. Because you as the creator felt frustrated that it wasn't there. People that built these type of solutions, are truly creative people to my humble opinion. They know what they're talking about. They're this type of digital craftsman. A local guy that knows his stuff, not some sort of international company with employees. It's the farmer on the field who gets the milk out of the cow, not the international milk company reselling the milk. It's the type of individual creators who have put in a lot of sweat into creating these things in the first place.

And they deserve attention. Lots of times these are the types of people being heavily undervalued. They have a tremendous amount of power. And they can help other creators A LOT with their solutions.

But here's the thing

When you're an individual creator, it gets more hard to do 'everything'. Making it a standarized product, understandable by everyone, not just yourself. Selling it online, explaining your product or service. Making invoices, understanding how all these taxes work in almost 200 countries with different rules, as selling online means you can sell it basically to any person in any country. It gets pretty though being that solo creator.

Market Solution

I've been there myself, and I've learned these things over the last few years. And instead of everyone taking these years to get to these points, I'd like to explain and provide a way.

- Using a Merchant Of Record (MOR) is something explained before. They charge some commission, and you're relieved from a lot of tax-stress.

- Then you get your checkout link. And you can fill in your product details using a form to provide the product or service information to me.

- Once I receive that, I look at who you are, because I'd like to present people I can trust. And then I look at your product or service if it's all clear to me.

- If I can explain it to someone else, I'm happy to put it online on the marketplace without any fees. If you as the vendor feel like paying me something, you can, but there's no need for that.

Now how do you make money Ronald?

There's plenty of businesses that reach out to me and want certain things done. With the marketplace, I can easily present solutions to them with what is possible. So when I'm in a call with my client and asking something related to making a selfhosted dollhouse, then I can just share my screen, get to the marketplace and present Tayeb's dollhouse service. My client can directly purchase it from Tayeb, no problem. But usually clients just want to get things done. So when I arrange things, I can buy and put my own margins for my own clients on top of that.

Instead of copying things from other people, I prefer to put them in their strength and find ways to collaborate when the opportunity gets there.

Do you have something nice to sell? Feel free to reach out, for example through the community.

List of relevant categories & tools

Here's a list of relevant tools that we are aware of. By having it listed, it doesn't mean we recommend it. It means that we know it exists. We share the list to let you know the various providers in the field, so you can do your own research. Some might include a referral link, most don't.
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This information can't be considered as 'the truth'. Always do your own research, use your common sense. If you spot a mistake, please reach out through our community. Getting closer to 'the truth', really understanding things, happens through collaboration & discussions.