Ronald van der Weijden
Creator, 360Creators

Why everything needs to be build dynamic

From my point of view.

Dynamic is a word I use a lot. The opposite of "dynamic" being the word "static".

Anything being static, means it's harder to move something, especially when that something becomes much more than once or twice times extra.

When static things turn into dynamic things, things tend to get more easy going.

This applies to anything in life.

Where it matters to me


First it applies to 3DVista, copy paste the skin content, and then changing a color needs to be changed also the same amount of times it got duplicated. That's why we've created Skin CMS.

Real life moving to another place

Secondly, where you live and how difficult it is for you to move to another place. If you have a lot of stuff laying around everywhere, it’s much harder to move elsewhere than when you’re living a minimalistic lifestyle. Everything else that comes with moving. Moving stuff, moving legal things, finding a new place to work, changing a language. There’s many things. Knowing very well what things you have, means that you can more easily make that decision to move to another place. You’re organized in your stuff and in your head. That makes you more dynamic, more easily adapting to circumstances.

Businesses and their online tools

Now third of all, is the online tools that businesses use. How hard is it for a business to move their website from Wordpress to Webflow? Or integrate any type of new tool instead of replacing an old one? Or syncing one tool with another through some automation.

When a business has a mess of their data, it’s just like a very messy house and moving to another house. It’s much harder than when you’re minimalistic and organized. Knowing exactly what you have.

Businesses that approach me and know that I’m charging €200 hourly, are much more specific with their needs of what they want from me, than when I help businesses for free or for a very low hourly rate. Those businesses that are willing to pay, are more organized and have more clarity of their needs. Or they have a lot of money and know that they need to get more organized. Which they’re pretty sure of that I can help them with that. Businesses that do everything based on purely being cheap, keep running from client to client. They are afraid of standing still, to breathe and check in with themselves.

The more I charge, the more organized clients I get. Which is for me usually a much nicer client to work with in the first place.

Now getting back to static versus dynamic. Static businesses have created something in the past that was successful and might still have some success for now. But it’s going downhill. Dynamic businesses stay up to date with the latest developments and can easily integrate a new thing into their software. Integrating new things into software requires clean code. Again, clean house, clean code. Messy house, messy spaghetti code.

So it becomes more clear that we need to clean up things in order to become more dynamic. Both personal as well as business wise.

What can you do to become more dynamic?

You can more dynamic in various ways. Technically dynamic to solve things, as well as personally dynamic. Your mind & body are leading the decisions you make every single moment.

Technically dynamic

  1. Break it. Demolish it. Some houses need to be demolished and build again from the ground up. Start over again.
    For some reason this usually feels like a worst case scenario. It feels like you’ve put in so much energy building the thing in the first place. And then you just destroy it. Destroy the house, the spaghetti code you’ve worked on, the Airtable base or the Wordpress website you’ve build. But, as you’ve build this messy thing, which is part of learning, you now know exactly what’s needed to do it right. Starting over again with a clean canvas. By breaking it down, you’ll start to notice by your environment what is really needed. Do you really need all those chairs around the table, or can you manage with just a chair for yourself. This approach of breaking, might put up a lot of pressure on you, which will make sure you act faster, more though and get things done more quickly.
  2. Build it side by side, bit by bit. As you’re living in your old house, you start buying some ground for the second house. And slowly bit by bit, you built it. Starting with what’s needed the most, the bedroom, so that you can sleep there. For food you can go out, so a kitchen can be build later. This approach of going bit by bit is more easy going than the break it approach, but will also take much more time to get where you’re planning to get.

These technical methods apply to building something for a client, as well as changing a habit of something you don’t like of yourself.

Personally dynamic

  1. Meditate a few minutes each day. Literally just sitting on a chair or laying in the bed, making sure there’s no distractions, closing your eyes and paying attention to your breaths.
  2. Cold shower. Start with warm, then at some point just pull it down to the lowest temperature. Or go straight into the cold, whatever you like, but get cold and stay in there for a minute or longer.
  3. Wim Hof breathing exercises
  4. Sports
  5. Daily walks outside. Literally from sitting behind your desk, a static position, to walking outside, dynamic.
  6. Eating healthy
  7. Enjoying weekends
  8. Positive language. Many people talk subconsciously very negative. Can’t do x, can’t do y. Yes I like that, but I… But but but. Turning your negative language bit by bit into positive language by recognizing it from yourself, helps you in ways that’s far beyond your wildest dreams.
  9. Gratitude for the things you already have. Gratitude might be extremely difficult, I fall into this trap quite a lot, of not having x or y. “Not having” is negative language as described above. So what DO you have? No matter how “little” things might seem, they’re usually much bigger than thought of.

Other side of the coin

Now just to break my own opinion and looking at the other side of the coin.

You can also become “too” dynamic. That means you’ve been organizing all the time without talking to the outside world so much. Without any talking, you become more of an ‘einzelganger’, a lone wolf, and you might not sell your products and services that much anymore. Those chaotic businesses that go client after client are actually selling things, while you might not.

So in the end it all gets down to balancing these things out.

All I’m saying, is that I like to lean more into the dynamic side of things. If you or your business needs help with this, feel free to reach out. Lot of times I’m available in Gather, as well as you can fill out the sales form.

List of relevant categories & tools

Here's a list of relevant tools that we are aware of. By having it listed, it doesn't mean we recommend it. It means that we know it exists. We share the list to let you know the various providers in the field, so you can do your own research. Some might include a referral link, most don't.
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